Channel Partner

Join hands with us as our trusted business partner.

Frequently Asked Questions?

It’s because basically the Channel Partner is not necessarily burdened with any work pressure for the monetary benefit he earns through the business.

It is Up to 20% of the total revenue excluding taxation. Inaddition to this, the Channel Partner is entitled for 15% extra
income over net sales in case of the lead generation at his end.

It is all kinds of digital branding and marketing services,customized software, website, and mobile applications.

The company is registered under Indian Company Act 1956 with ISO certification. All the products and services are served under in-house operation, having 15 + years hands-on experience.

It is an online process our representative will guide for it .Afterselection and verification both the parties are supposed to signa MOU, subject to renewal each other. The company will provideChannel Partner Code and Login credential of the eshuzoSalesDesk Portal and App where the partners can manage alltheir leads and view payouts.

Google Listing, Tele-calling and digital campaign. Most importantly, eshuzo is committed to develop the market even without the involvement of Channel Partner in sales and marketing. The Channel Partner is free to get involved in sales & marketing optionally to earn 15% extra lead margin in addition. However, the channel partner is supposed to coordinate in general with the clients, if required.The details of all terms & conditions to be agreed upon are mentioned in the MOU.